ΕTBF Rules

ΕTBF Rules

Κανονισμός ETBF

The Federation Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) was founded in Hamburg, Germany on 27 January 1952 to foster worldwide interest in amateur tenpin and ninepin bowling.

According to the Statutes of FIQ its structure consists of the World Tenpin Bowling Association (WTBA) and the World Ninepin Bowling Association (WNBA). The WTBA is divided into three geographical zones, the American Zone, the Asian Zone (named Asian Bowling Federation) and the European Zone (named European Tenpin Bowling Federation).

The European Tenpin Bowling Federation (ETBF) shall include all FIQ member federations sponsoring or conducting tenpin bowling on the continent of Europe, North Africa, British isles, the islands of the North Atlantic and South Africa.

The Statutes of the ETBF were originally adopted by the Congress in s’Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands on 31 March 1979.

The ETBF Rules are divided in the following 5 chapters.

5.2 Statutes

5.3 Regulations

5.4 Rules of order at ETBF Congresses

5.5 Rules for ETBF Championships

5.6 Rules for ETBF Sanctioned Tournaments

5.2 Statutes

Name and Office

5.2 This organisation shall be known as the European Tenpin Bowling Federation, hereinafter referred to as ETBF.

5.3 Its main office shall be established in the country and city where the President resides unless provided otherwise by its Presidium.


5.2 To further and perpetuate interest in tenpin bowling in conformity with the Statutes of FIQ and WTBA and to encourage good relations between the members within the ETBF geographical area.

5.3 To encourage the use of the WTBA Playing Rules within its area and to require that these rules will be followed in all tournaments conducted or sanctioned by ETBF.

5.4 To conduct a European Men Championships and a European Women Championships every four years.

5.5 To conduct other ETBF Championships as approved by the Congress.

5.6 To grant approval to international tenpin bowling tournaments within its area and to control these tournaments.

5.7 To establish special rules for the ETBF activities provided they are not contrary to FIQ and WTBA regulations.

5.8 To prescribe dues to help finance the ETBF activities as authorised by the Congress.

5.9 To represent ETBF in WTBA and FIQ in accordance with their Statutes.

5.2.1 Official Language

5.2 The official language of the ETBF is English. A member federation shall have the right to bring an interpreter to Congresses and meetings at its own cost.


5.3.1 Eligibility

1. ETBF membership shall include all national FIQ member federations within the ETBF area established by WTBA, which participate in tenpin bowling provided any fees, which are required by FIQ, WTBA and ETBF are paid.

5.2 Rights of the members

a) To take part in ETBF Congresses in accordance with the stipulations, propose motions and make election proposals. Each member federation has one vote at the ETBF Congresses.

b) To take part in all ETBF activities with equal rights.

c) To appeal to the Presidium in cases of disputes between member federations. If a second appeal is desired, it must be submitted in writing within 30 days to the WTBA Presidium. If a third appeal is desired, it must be submitted in writing within 30 days to the FIQ Presidium for final action.

d) To receive current information about important proceedings within the ETBF.

5.2 Obligations of the members

a) To adhere to the ETBF Statutes, the decisions taken by the ETBF Congress and any special rules resulting there from.

b) To formulate their own statutes in such a way that they are not in contradiction with the ETBF Statutes and to adopt a regulation which subjects each of their individual members to the jurisdiction of ETBF.

c) To adhere to the ETBF sport principles and good sportsmanship at international events.

d) To submit promptly the fees, which have been stipulated by the ETBF in order to be eligible to vote in Congresses or participate in tournaments conducted by ETBF.

e) To supply promptly such information as may be required by the ETBF.

5.2 Organisational structure

5.2.1 The decision-making agencies of the ETBF are in the following order:

5.3 The Ordinary Congress

5.4 The Extraordinary Congress

5.5 The Presidium

5.2.1 Congress

5.3.1 Legislative Authority

5.6 The Congress shall be composed of delegates from each of the ETBF member federations and comprise the legislative and policy making body of ETBF.

5.7 Its decisions shall be binding on all member federations and can be altered only by the Congress.

5.8 The authority of the Congress (and thus that of the ETBF) does not extend to the internal affairs of any member federation.

5.2.1 Member representation, Voting Rights, Delegates

5.9 A member federation may be represented at an ETBF Congress by a maximum of three delegates, only one of whom shall have voting rights. The names of the delegates must be submitted in writing, stating the name of the federation they represent and signed by an authorised officer of the federation. The voting delegate shall retain the voting status until the next Congress, or until a successor is duly appointed by the respective federation.

5.10 A member federation, which cannot be represented at the Congress, may give its proxy to another federation. Each federation shall be eligible to vote only one proxy. In all cases, the written proxy authority must be submitted to the President in the presence of the Congress for validation, before the proxy can be exercised. Such proxy must be submitted in writing stating the name of the federation to whom the vote is to be transferred and signed by an authorising officer of the federation.

5.11 A member of the Presidium may vote only if he/she represents a federation.

5.12 Member federations must be current in their FIQ, WTBA and ETBF fees to be eligible for voice or vote.

5.13 A quorum shall be at least one half of member federations including proxy votes.

5.14 Voting at each Congress shall be on the basis of one vote per federation by open voting unless the delegates by simple majority vote request a secret ballot. Where a tie exists the motion shall be rejected. If, however, a tie exists in the case of elections, the chairman shall call for a second vote and if a tie still exists the Congress shall decide the procedure.

5.15 A simple majority shall determine decisions of the Congress except that a two-third (2/3) majority of the votes delivered shall be required for adoption of

5.16 Debate and voting of proposals not received in due time.

5.17 Amendments to the Statutes.

Note: An abstention does not count as a vote delivered.

5.18 Guests may participate in the proceedings only at the invitation of the President or upon the majority approval by the Congress.

5.2 Meetings

a) The Ordinary Congress shall be held every two years.

b) An Extraordinary Congress shall be convened when called for by

5.3 The Ordinary Congress

5.4 The President

5.5 The Presidium

5.6 The President on a written request from at least one-third (1/3) of the member federations

a) The invitation to the Congress shall be sent to the mailing address of each member federation at least three months prior to the date of the meeting.

b) Proposals from the federations to be debated and voted upon at the Congress shall be received by the President at least two months prior to the date of the meeting.

c) The agenda and proposals from the Presidium and federations shall be sent to the member federations at least four clear weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

d) The agenda for the Ordinary Congress shall include the following:

5.7 Opening of the Congress

5.8 Roll call, validation of proxies and determination of voting rights

5.9 Appointment of chairman and secretary of the Congress

5.10 Adoption of minutes of the previous Congress and dealing with matters arising there from

5.11 Report of the President, General Secretary, other Officers and Committees and dealing with matters arising there from

5.12 Financial statement with fiscal review and projections and dealing with matters arising there from

5.13 Auditors” report and dealing with matters arising there from

5.14 Release of the Presidium

5.15 New business

5.16 Legislative session

5.17 Elections (where applicable)

5.18 President

5.19 Vice President

5.20 Presidium members

5.21 Two auditors and one substitute

5.22 Establishment of dues

5.23 Plans and dates of coming ETBF championships and meetings

5.24 Closing the meeting

a) Only proposals submitted in due time shall be considered unless the Congress decides by a two-third (2/3) majority that others warrant consideration for emergency reasons. At an Extraordinary Congress, however, only matters set out on the agenda shall be considered and voted upon.

b) Summary minutes of each ETBF Congress shall be prepared by the secretary for review and signed approval for distribution by the President within one month after which they are to be distributed to the member federations and Presidium members.

c) All amendments adopted and new rules shall become effective as of 1 January of the next business year unless otherwise specified at the time of adoption.

5.2 Presidium

1.7.1 The Presidium shall be the executive and management body of the ETBF. It shall consist of seven (7) persons as follows

5.2 The ETBF President

5.3 The ETBF Vice President

5.4 Five (5) Presidium Members

1.7.1 The Presidents, Presidium Members and General Secretaries of FIQ and WTBA may attend meetings of the Presidium in ex-officio capacity with voice but no vote.

1.7.2 Decisions of the Presidium shall be by simple majority. If a tie exists the motion shall be rejected.

1.7.3 The Presidium should meet at least once every year and more frequently when deemed necessary by the President or at least by three members of the Presidium. A postal ballot also may be taken at the discretion of the President.

1.7.4 A quorum consists of four members of the Presidium provided that either the President or Vice President is present.

1.7.5 Members of the Presidium shall not in any official capacity nor personally in any way become financially involved in a firm producing or selling bowling equipment.

1.7.6 If the President, Vice President, or a Member of the Presidium ceases to be a member of any ETBF member federation, or in the case of death, disabilities, resignation, incapacity etc., the following procedures shall apply

5.2 Vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice President until the next Ordinary Congress.

5.3 Vacancy in the office of the Vice President shall be filled by a Presidium Member as elected by the Presidium until the next Ordinary Congress.

5.4 If the total number of Presidium members is less than four, including the President and Vice President, then an Extraordinary Congress shall be convened for the purpose of election.

5.2.1 Presidium Meetings

1.8.1 The President shall give at least one month’s notice for a regular meeting of the Presidium to all members of the Presidium and all member federations. In emergency cases shorter notice shall be acceptable.

1.8.2 Such notice shall specify the date, time and place of the proposed Presidium meeting and in addition it shall invite member federations to submit proposals, which they wish to be considered by the Presidium.

1.8.3 A secretary for the meeting shall be appointed by the President. The secretary shall prepare summary minutes for review and signed approval by the President or Chairman of the Day within two weeks after which they are distributed to the Presidium members.

5.2 Officers

5.2.1 Elections

a) A person may be elected to the Presidium only if he/she is a member of a member federation.

b) The President, the Vice President and the five Presidium Members must each belong to different member federations.

c) The election of officers shall be conducted by the Ordinary Congress in open voting. However, if there is more than one nomination for the President or Vice President a secret ballot shall be called for. In this case each member federation may nominate one person in the ballot. Likewise, if there are more nominations for members of the Presidium than the number to be elected a secret ballot shall be called for. In this case each member federation may nominate the number of persons to be elected in the ballot. A relative simple majority shall determine who is elected.

d) The President and three of the Presidium Members shall be elected for their term of office at the Ordinary Congress in the year of the European Men Championships. The Vice President and two of the Presidium Members shall be elected for their term of office at the Ordinary Congress in the year of the European Women Championships.

5.2 Nominations

a) All incumbent officers who intend to run for re-election shall so advise the President of his/her interest at least two months before an elective Congress.

b) All other nominations shall be submitted to the President at least two months before an elective Congress.

c) All incumbent and other nominations shall be reported to the member federations at least one month prior to the Congress.

d) If nominations are received pursuant to the above process, no additional nominations from the floor will be accepted at the Congress.

e) If not enough nominations are received pursuant to the above process, then nominations from the floor will be accepted.

f) All candidates must be members of and authorised by their respective federations to be eligible for election.

5.3 Term of Office

5.2.1 The Term of Office of the President, Vice President and Presidium Members shall commence two weeks after their election and shall continue until the second biennial Congress following their election (i.e. a term of about four years).

5.3.1 General Secretary

1. A General Secretary shall, if deemed necessary, be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Presidium for a term of four years following the confirmation.

a. Duties of Officers

a) The President shall be the chief executive officer and treasurer. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the ETBF Congress and Presidium unless he/she appoints a Chairman of the Day to preside for any part of such meetings.

5.4 He/she shall, if deemed necessary, appoint a General Secretary subject to confirmation by the Presidium.

5.5 He/she shall appoint any committees he/she deems necessary. Such appointments shall be subject to approval by the Presidium.

5.6 He/she shall, if deemed necessary, appoint any other assistants required for the Presidium to fulfil its duties. Such appointments shall be subject to approval by the Presidium.

5.7 The President shall also normally represent the ETBF in all legal matters, but should he/she be unable to do so, the Vice President or another Presidium Member may represent the ETBF.

a) The Vice President shall be the President of the ETBF in case of absence, death, disabilities, resignation, and incapacity or for any other reason, which would prevent the President permanently from lawfully discharging his/her duties under the Statutes.

b) The General Secretary shall be the chief administrative officer who handles the membership correspondence and other administrative tasks in co-operation with the President.

c) The President and one Member of the Presidium shall represent the interests of the ETBF at WTBA Presidium meetings in accordance with the WTBA Statutes.

5.2 Removal from office

5.2.1 An officer elected by the Congress may be removed from office for nonfeasance or other just cause by the Congress, upon due process (notice about the pending action and given an opportunity to be heard) being provided.

5.3.1 Business year

1. The business year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.

Financial Procedures

i. Fees

1. The Congress will be empowered to determine the fees to be paid by the member federations. Each federation shall be required to pay the fee as stipulated in the FIQ Financial Policies. Newly admitted member federations are not obliged to pay membership fees in the calendar year they are admitted.

a. Auditors

i. The Ordinary Congress shall elect two auditors and one substitute for the period up to and including the next Ordinary Congress. The auditors must come from different member federations and must have the necessary qualifications to undertake their duties. In their report they must clearly state the financial situation of ETBF and the conduct of the Presidium up to a date, which shall cover the foregoing two business years.

5.2 Rules against doping

5.2.1 When ETBF decides there will doping control at its championships, all provisions of the WTBA Doping Control Manual will apply.

5.3.1 Amendments

1. These Statutes may be altered at any ETBF Congress as follows:

a) Upon written proposals of amendments submitted to the President at least two months in advance to the Congress where it is to be considered.

b) Notice of such proposals is distributed to all member federations at least four clear weeks prior to the Congress.

c) The proposal is adopted by two-third (2/3) majority vote at the Congress.

d) When a written notice of a proposal is not given, it may be considered provided the Congress agrees by a two-third (2/3) majority vote to do so. As with other proposals a two-third (2/3) majority vote shall be required for adoption.

e) No amendment shall be adopted or policy established which would be in conflict with the Statutes of FIQ and WTBA.

5.2 Adoption

This Chapter was adopted during the Congress in Aalborg, Denmark on 10 June 2001 and amended during the Congress in Poznan, Poland on 9 May 2003.

5.2 Regulations

5.2.1 Fees

5.2 The annual membership fee for federations affiliated to ETBF and having less than 4000 members is € 800,-. The annual fee for federations having 4000 or more members is € 2.400,-. The membership fees are included in the invoice sent out by FIQ. Fees have to be paid to FIQ in total latest 31 March. If the membership fees are not received by that date, the member federation will be suspended as specified in Article 2 of the FIQ Financial Policy. New members do not have to pay fees in the year they are admitted.

5.3 The fee for organising an ETBF sanctioned tournament shall be determined by the ETBF Congress and is specified in the Rules for ETBF Sanctioned Tournaments Chapter 5.

5.4 For filing an application to host an ETBF championship the potential host has to pay an application fee to ETBF of € 2000,- to be used to offset the costs for ETBF officials. The costs for two ETBF representatives to perform the pre-competition verification/certification visit will be paid by ETBF. The costs for the ETBF Tournament Director and the ETBF Technical Delegate during the championships will be paid by ETBF. In case the application will not be accepted the application fee will be reimbursed. If the host withdraws from organising the championship less than 6 months prior to the start the fee will be forfeited.

5.5 The Presidium shall agree with the organising federation on the entry fee to be paid by each member of the delegation from each federation participating in a championship. The agreed upon fee shall include € 40,- per member of the delegation, which amount shall be forwarded by the organising federation to ETBF. In case a delegation consists of more people than the for each championship specified number of participants, then the organising federation has the right to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons to an amount agreed with the ETBF Tournament Director. The organising federation shall collect all entry fees.

5.6 The fee for participating in an ETBF Congress is € 25,- for the voting delegate of each federation and € 50,- for additional delegates.


5.3.1 For members of the ETBF Presidium and other persons travelling to carry out their duties on behalf of ETBF the ETBF will meet their travel expenses and also expenses for hotel accommodation and food up to a reasonable amount.

1. Awards

a. The ETBF Presidium is authorised to present the following awards:

i. Gold Pin, which can be awarded to officers of the ETBF Presidium after serving for at least four years as a presidium member.

ii. Silver Pin, which can be awarded to those officers of ETBF affiliated countries after serving the Presidium of their National Federation for at least 10 years.

iii. Distinguished Service Award, which can be awarded to persons on recommendation by the National Federation.

1. Amendments

This Chapter was amended during the Congress in Aalborg, Denmark on 10 June 2001 and further amended during the Congress in Poznan, Poland on 9 May 2003.

i. Rules of order at ETBF Congresses

Order of Business

5.2.1 The agenda for the meeting shall be prepared in accordance with the ETBF Statutes by the President and General Secretary. It shall be presented to the Congress in writing.

5.2.2 Additions to the agenda may be proposed to by the members before it has been formally adopted by the Congress. The Congress shall approve such additions.

5.3.1 Minutes

1. The minutes of the previous Congress shall be presented for confirmation by the Congress. The discussion on these minutes shall be limited to questions related to the interpretation of decisions recorded in the minutes.

a. Chairman of the Congress

i. The chairman has the right to propose the closing of a debate and also to propose special time limits for speeches of the delegates.

1. Matters of Procedure

a. All matters of procedure not prescribed by these rules shall be decided by the chairman of the Congress.

Privilege of Voice, Proposals and Vote

5.2 The President, Vice President and Presidium Members are entitled voice and proposal privileges at the Congress.

5.3 The auditors have the right to participate in the Congress and are entitled voice and proposal privileges even if they are not a delegate of any federation.

5.4 Each member federation shall be entitled to representation and privileges in the Congress as follows:

5.5 One delegate with voice and vote.

5.6 Other delegates as specified in the Statutes with voice only.

5.2.1 Motions and Amendments

5.3.1 The first proposition of any particular subject shall be known as the Original Motion and all succeeding propositions on that subject shall be called amendments.

5.3.2 Every motion or amendment must be moved and seconded by members actually present at the Congress before they can be discussed and, wherever possible, should be set forth in writing.

1. Substantive Motions

a. If an amendment were carried, it displaces the Original Motion and itself becomes the Substantive Motion, whereupon any further amendment relating to any portion of the Substantive Motion may be moved, provided it is consistent with the business and has not been covered by an amendment or motion, which has previously been rejected. After the vote on each succeeding amendment has been taken, the surviving proposition shall be put to the vote as the main question and, if carried, shall then become a resolution of the meeting.

i. Order of Debate

1. Permission to speak is requested by addressing the chairman. Proposals to be discussed at the Congress shall have been submitted to the Presidium and member federations in due time according to the Statutes.

2. Other proposals may be debated and voted upon only if they are presented to the Congress in written form and only if the Congress decides by the majority required by the Statutes that such a proposal warrants consideration.

3. Any reservation against a decision by the Congress shall be reported at the meeting and shall be handed over in written form to the Presidium as soon as possible for inclusion in the minutes.

a. Withdrawals or Additions

i. No motion or amendment, which has been accepted by the chairman, shall be withdrawn without the unanimous consent of the Congress. Neither shall any addendum or rider be added to a motion, which has once been accepted by the chairman without such full consent. Should any member dissent, the addendum must be proposed and seconded, and treated as an ordinary amendment.

5.2 Closing Debate

5.2.1 The motions for the pervious question, next business, or the closure, may be moved and seconded only by members who have not previously spoken at any time during the debate. No speeches shall be allowed on such motions. In the event of the closing being carried the mover of the Original Motion shall have the right to reply before the question is put.

5.3.1 Right of Reply

1. The mover of the Original Motion shall, if no amendment were moved, have the right of reply at the close of the debate upon such motion. When an amendment is moved, he/she shall be entitled to speak thereon and at the close of the debate on such amendment shall reply to the discussion, but shall introduce no new matter. The question shall then be put to the vote immediately and under no circumstances shall any further discussion be allowed once the question has been put for the chairman. The mover of an amendment shall not be entitled to reply.

a. Adjournment

i. Any member who has not already spoken during the debate may move the adjournment of the question under discussion, or of the meeting, but must confine his/her remarks to that question, and must not discuss any other matter. The mover of the motion upon which adjournment has been moved shall be allowed the right to reply on the question of the adjournment, but such reply shall not prejudice his/her right of reply on his/her own motion. In the event of such motion being lost it shall not be moved again.

1. Voting and Decisions

a. Quorum and voting rights shall be as specified in the Statutes.

b. A simple majority shall determine decisions at the Congress except that a two-third (2/3) majority shall be required when specified by the Statutes.

c. At a secret election ballot no voting paper is allowed to have more names than the number of persons to be elected.

d. The Congress shall elect two persons responsible for the counting of votes at a secret ballot.

Note: Simple majority is either absolute or relative. For a decision in fact matters absolute majority is required i.e. more than half of the delivered number of votes.

e. If, at an election there are more candidates than shall be elected, the decision shall be made by relative majority i.e. the persons who were given the highest number of votes are elected irrespective of the relationship to the total number of delivered votes.

i. Chairman’s Ruling

5.2 If the chairman rises to call a member to order, or for any other purpose connected with the proceedings, the member speaking thereon shall resume his/her seat and no other member shall rise until the chairman resumes the chair.

5.3 The ruling of the chairman on any question under the Rules of Order, or on points of order or explanation, shall be final unless challenged by not less than four members, and unless two thirds of the members present vote the contrary.


5.3.1 If any member interrupts another while addressing the Congress, or uses abusive or profane language, or causes disturbance at the Congress and refuses to obey the chairman when called to order, he/she shall be named by the chairman. He/she shall thereupon be expelled from the room and shall not be allowed to enter again until an apology satisfactory to the Congress has been given.

5.3.2 No member shall leave the Congress before its conclusion without the permission by the chairman.

1. Amendments

This Chapter was amended during the Congress in Aalborg, Denmark on 10 June 2001.

5.2 Rules for ETBF Championships

5.2.1 Application to host an ETBF championship

5.2 Application to host an ETBF championship must be received by the ETBF Presidium not later than two months prior to the Congress where the application shall be acted upon. The required fee for filing an application shall be transferred to the ETBF bank account when the application is submitted.

5.3 Applications to host the European Women Championships and the European Men Championships shall be acted upon by the ETBF Congress at least four years prior to the championships.

5.4 Applications to host any of the other ETBF championships shall be acted upon by the ETBF Congress at least two years prior to the championships.

5.5 Federations are encouraged to announce their intent to apply at the Congress preceding the one at which the decision shall be made i.e. for the European Women Championships and the European Men Championships at least six years prior to the championships and for the other championships at least four years in advance.

5.6 Only member federations may submit applications. If other organisations are involved in any commitments or guarantees, they will be made parties to the agreement between the ETBF Presidium and the host federation.

5.7 The required number of lanes will be decided in each separate case by the ETBF Presidium.

5.8 An application shall at a minimum provide the following information:

5.9 Proposed location (city, region etc.).

5.10 Proposed dates (at least the month).

5.11 Available bowling centre(s) with a general description including the number of lanes, viewing capacity and assurance of meeting the WTBA specifications.

5.12 Available hotels with general description of the standard as well as current and projected price range.

5.13 An application shall include a financial commitment to provide the following for official delegation members:

5.14 Airport pick-up and return.

5.15 Transportation between designated hotels and the bowling centre in accordance with a pre-arranged schedule.

5.16 Bowling expenses for all official practise and competition.

5.17 Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony.

Note: Welcome Reception and Farewell Party are optional.

5.18 The host federation may determine the size of the official delegation with the approval of the ETBF Tournament Director. However, the minimum official delegation will include the number of participants as specified in the regulations for each championship.

5.19 The host federation will be permitted to collect an entry fee for each member of an official delegation to offset its hosting expenses. The size of the entry fee shall be as agreed upon between the ETBF Presidium and the host federation. In case a delegation consists of more people than is specified for a championship, the fee for the extra persons shall be agreed upon between the host federation and the ETBF Tournament Director.

5.20 The application shall also include a guarantee to underwrite the following expenses:

5.21 Medical personnel on call.

5.22 Meeting rooms for Congress and Presidium/Committee meetings as necessary.

5.23 Badges of accreditation.

5.24 Fees to be paid to the ETBF.

5.25 Following the selection of a host federation the ETBF Tournament Director will initiate a written agreement with duly authorised officials of the host federation and any other necessary parties. Failure of such officials or parties to sign said documents within a reasonable time will be the cause for the ETBF Presidium to consider moving the championships to another location. Such action may only be taken at an ETBF Presidium meeting where authorised officials of the host federation have been invited to participate at their own cost and present their case.

5.26 If no application as described above is received, the ETBF Presidium will solicit applications from among its member federations, and has the authority to waive the two months requirement. If there are still no applications received, the Presidium is authorised to negotiate and select a site for the championships.

5.27 The Presidium is authorised to select an alternative site should this be necessary. Consideration shall in such a case be given to those federations, which have filed applications in compliance with the above requirements.

5.28 The Tournament Technical Committee for ETBF Championships shall consist of

5.29 The ETBF Tournament Director

5.30 The ETBF Technical Delegate

5.31 The Host Tournament Coordinator

5.2.1 The ETBF Tournament Director is the chairman of the committee and is especially responsible for matters related to the Playing Rules. He/she is appointed by the ETBF President and must come from another federation than the host federation.

5.2.2 The ETBF Technical Delegate is responsible for all matters related to the lanes, machines, scoring systems etc. He/she is appointed by the ETBF President and must come from another federation than the host federation.

5.2.3 The Host Tournament Coordinator is responsible for all matters related to the administration of the competition. He/she is appointed by the host federation.

5.2 Obligations of the host federation

5.2.1 Minimum twelve months prior to the start of the championships the host federation shall invite the ETBF Tournament Director to verify and approve the information presented in the federation’s application to host the championships. At this time the parties will initiate the agreement to be executed between the host federation and the ETBF.

5.2.2 Minimum six months prior to the start of the championships, the host federation shall invite the ETBF Technical Delegate to certify the lanes and liase with the Tournament Manager and bowling centre staff and instruct them in regard to the lane dressing procedures to be followed. Detailed information about the lanes and lane dressing procedures shall be circulated to the member federations with Bulletin no. 2.

5.2.3 Following the signing of agreements between the host federation and the ETBF, the host federation shall file progress reports at least every six months with the ETBF Tournament Director.

5.2.4 The host federation shall approximately one year prior to the championships present to the

ETBF Tournament Director a detailed report including dates for the competition and all related activities, information about the bowling centre and about the official hotels. This information shall form the basis for Bulletin No.1, which after approval by the ETBF Tournament Director and the ETBF President will be circulated by the host federation to all ETBF federations and to the ETBF Presidium.

5.2.5 Minimum five months prior to the championships the host federation shall prepare Bulletin No.2 for approval by the ETBF Tournament Director and (after approval) circulation by the host federation to the ETBF federations and to the ETBF Presidium. This bulletin is the official invitation to the championships and shall contain at least the following information:

5.3.1 Name, address, phone, fax and e-mail of the bowling centre.

5.3.2 Number and type of lanes in the centre.

5.3.3 Lane dressing procedure.

5.3.4 Location of the nearest (international) airport.

5.3.5 Latest time of arrival.

5.3.6 Name, address, phone, fax, email and accommodation prices of the official hotels.

5.3.7 Requirements for national flags and anthems.

5.3.8 Doping control procedures

5.3.9 Fees to be paid and to what account.

5.3.10 Accommodation form.

5.3.11 Arrival form.

5.3.12 Player’s form.

5.3.13 Deadlines for the forms to be received by the host federation.

5.3.14 Preliminary schedule.

5.3.15 Name, address, phone, fax and email of contact persons.

5.2.6 Minimum two months prior to the championships the host federation shall prepare Bulletin No.3 for approval by the ETBF Tournament Director and (after approval) circulation by the host federation to the ETBF federations and to the ETBF Presidium. This bulletin is the final information, which is sent out prior to the championships. It should minimum include:

1. Final schedule for the championships including times for ball control, official practise, team manager meeting, opening ceremony, competition, closing ceremony and eventually welcome reception and farewell party.

2. Times for eventual delegate meetings, Congress etc.

3. Participating nations.

4. Confirmation of hotel accommodation.

5. Confirmation of arrival time.

5.2.7 The host federation shall fulfil what is specified under financial commitment and guarantees as specified in the application and agreement and shall also organise the championships in strict accordance with the WTBA Playing Rules.

5.2.8 If a participating federation chooses to stay at a hotel other than that/those reserved by the host federation, the host federation has no obligation to cover the expenses for transportation to and from such a hotel.

5.2.9 Providing all championship results are published on an Internet Website, there is no requirement to have them printed and circulated.

5.3 European Women Championships (EWC) and European Men Championships (EMC)

5.4 Time

a. Every fourth (4) year during June-July, for the men 2005, 2009, 2013… and for the women 2007, 2011, 2015…

5.5 Participants

5.6 Teams from affiliated ETBF federations.

5.7 Teams consist of maximum 6 players, 1 coach and 2 officials/delegates.

5.8 Events

5.9 6 games singles.

5.10 6 games doubles.

5.11 6 games trios.

5.12 6 games 5-team.

5.13 All events, consisting of the above 24 games.

5.14 Masters final.

5.15 Top 16 players after the preceding 24 games will play a one game round robin (i.e. a total of 15 games) starting from scratch with a bonus of 30 pins for each match won and in case of a tie 15 pins to each player.

5.16 A finalist, who withdraws for any reason after the round robin has begun or fails to register in person for the first game shall be replaced immediately by a pacer. All players, who have played against the player withdrawn, shall be given a 30 pin bonus.

5.17 The top 3 players play the stepladder final after the round robin. Number 3 versus number 2 over one game. The winner versus number 1 over two games total pin fall to count.

5.18 Tie breaking

5.19 The player or team with the highest score shall be the winner.

5.20 When equal scores (ties) are registered for any of the first three positions in the 5-team, trios, doubles or singles events, co-champions shall be declared. There shall be no play off of the tie. Teams or players with equal scores will get the same medals.

5.21 In case of a tie for the first position, the next position will get bronze medal. In case of a triple tie for the first position, all will get gold medals and there will be no other medals. In case of a tie for the second position, no medals will be given for the third position.

5.22 When a tie occurs for the 16th place in all events total or at the end of the round robin event (for stepladder finals) for 1st or 3rd place a one game roll off shall be held.

5.23 If a tie occurs for any position in the stepladder final a 9th and 10th frame shall be bowled to break the tie. If a tie still exists the 9th and 10th frame shall be repeated until the tie is broken.

5.24 Entry fee

1. A fee per participant, as agreed upon between the host and the ETBF Presidium, has to be paid to the host federation.

2. In case a delegation consists of more than 16 persons, the host federation is allowed to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons.

5.25 Medals

5.26 Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented to the first, second and third place respectively of each of the six events.

5.27 In addition to the medals for the individual players and the coach, a medal shall be presented to the national federation they represent.

a. European Youth Championships (EYC)

i. Time

5.28 Every second (2) year in the period 1 January to 31 August (2004, 2006, 2008…).

5.29 The ETBF Presidium will decide on the exact dates from time to time in co-operation with the host federation.

i. Participants

5.30 Boys and girls team from affiliated ETBF federations.

5.31 Teams consist of maximum 6 boys and 6 girls respectively, 2 coaches and 2 officials/delegates.

i. Age limit

5.32 Players must not reach the age of 19 years in the season in which the event takes place. With season is meant 1 September until 31 August the following year.

i. Events

5.33 6 games doubles.

5.34 6 games trios.

5.35 6 games 5-team.

5.36 All events consisting of the above 18 games.

5.37 Masters final.

5.38 Top 12 girls and top 12 boys after the preceding 18 games will play a one game round robin (11 games) with a bonus of 30 pins for each match won and in case of a tie 15 pins to each player.

5.39 The round robin of the girls and the boys will be played at the same time. If less than 24 lanes are available the round robin schedule will consist of matches with four players per pair of lanes. If 24 lanes or more are available the round robin schedule will consist of matches with two players per pair of lanes.

5.40 A finalist, who withdraws for any reason after the round robin has begun or fails to register in person for the first game shall be replaced immediately by a pacer. All players, who have played against the player withdrawn, shall be given a 30 pin bonus.

5.41 The top 3 girls and top 3 boys play the stepladder final respectively after the round robin. Number 3 versus number 2 over one game. The winner versus number 1 over two games total pin fall to count.

i. Tie breaking

5.42 The player or team with the highest score shall be the winner.

5.43 When equal scores (ties) are registered for any of the first three positions in the 5-team, trios or doubles events, co-champions shall be declared. There shall be no play off of the tie. Teams or players with equal scores will get the same medals.

5.44 In case of a tie for the first position, the next position will get bronze medal. In case of a triple tie for the first position, all will get gold medals and there will be no other medals. In case of a tie for the second position, no medals will be given for the third position.

5.45 When a tie occurs for the 12th place in all events total or at the end of the round robin event (for stepladder finals) for 1st or 3rd place a one game roll off shall be held.

5.46 If a tie occurs for any position in the stepladder final a 9th and 10th frame shall be bowled to break the tie. If a tie still exists the 9th and 10th frame shall be repeated until the tie is broken.

i. Entry fee

5.47 A fee per participant, as agreed upon between the host and the ETBF Presidium, has to be paid to the host federation.

5.48 In case a delegation consists of more than 16 persons, the host federation is allowed to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons.

i. Medals

5.49 Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented to the first, second and third place respectively of each of the five events in both girls and boys division.

5.50 In addition to the medals for the individual players and the coach, a medal shall be presented to the national federation they represent.

5.2.1 European Cup Teams (ECT)

5.3.1 Time

1. Every second (2) year during June (2004, 2006, 2008…).

5.3.2 Participants

1. Men and women team from affiliated ETBF federations.

2. Teams consist of maximum 6 men and 6 women respectively, 2 coaches and 2 officials/delegates

5.3.3 Event

1. Round robin 5-team event Baker format. Each match over two games on one pair of lanes.

2. All teams will play two matches against each other (a double round robin).

3. Teams shall alternate lanes within the pair after ten frames.

4. Teams may change their line-up (members and positions) before each game.

5. Substitutions during a game are not permitted, except in cases of illness or injury.

6. Points will be awarded on the basis of two points per game won and in case of a tie one point. Two points will be awarded to the team with the highest total pin fall in the match and in case of a tie one point to each team.

7. In case there are an odd number of teams and there is no pacer team available, the «odd» team will be scheduled on one pair of lanes to bowl at the same pace as the other teams and will be given 6 points for these two games.

8. A team, who withdraws for any reason after the championships have begun, shall be replaced immediately by a pacer team. All teams, who have played against the team withdrawn, shall be given 6 points.

9. A stepladder final will be played between the top three women and the top three men teams respectively after the round robin, using the same format as during the round robin (two games matches).

5.3.4 Tie breaking

1. A tie for the first or third positions after round robin will be broken by a single game roll-off on a pair of lanes designated by the Tournament Technical Committee.

2. If the tie is between more than two teams, each team will bowl on a separate pair of lanes designated by the Tournament Technical Committee.

3. In either case, the teams will draw for their starting lane.

4. Further ties will be broken by using the 9th and 10th frame procedure described in e.

5. If there is a tie after any stepladder match, it will be broken by bowling an additional 9th and 10th frame starting from scratch on the alternating lane. The team members bowling those frames may be designated from among any of the six team members. If the match is still tie, there will be further 9th and 10th frame tiebreakers; however, the same team members must bowl.

6. If there is a tie between any of the positions 4 – 12, it will be broken by bowling a single game roll off on a pair of lanes designated by the Tournament Technical Committee. If there is still a tie it will be broken by bowling an additional 9th and 10th frame starting from scratch until the tie is broken.

5.3.5 Qualification

1. Top 5 women teams and top 5 men teams are qualified to the World Tenpin Team Cup, which will take place between 1 October and 1 December after the conclusion of the European Cup Teams.

2. If a team of the top 5 does not want to participate in the World Tenpin Team Cup or in case of more than 5 positions will be available for teams from the ETBF the teams in descending order from the round robin will be invited.

5.3.6 Entry fee

1. A fee per participant, as agreed upon between the host and the ETBF Presidium, has to be paid to the host federation.

2. In case a delegation consists of more than 16 persons, the host federation is allowed to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons.

5.3.7 Medals

1. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented to the first, second and third place respectively in both men and women division.

2. In addition to the medals for the individual players and the coach, a medal shall be presented to the national federation they represent.

a. European Cup Individuals (ECI)

i. Time

1. Every year during the first or last weekend in September.

ii. Participants

1. The reigning national woman and man champion from each affiliated ETBF federation as defined by each federation.

2. If a reigning national champion is not able to participate it is allowed for the federation to send No. 2 from their championships (or. No. 3 or 4 etc.).

3. In addition to the national champions the defending champions of the previous ECI are allowed to participate.

4. Each delegation consists of maximum one coach per player and one official/delegate in addition to the players.

iii. Event – qualification

1. Three qualifying squads per player.

2. In each qualifying squad 8 games to be played, in total 24 qualifying games per player.

3. In all qualifying squads there will be 2 players per lane (4 players per pair of lanes). In case of empty spaces pacers will be used. If there are more players than lanes available in any division there will be 5 players per pair of lanes.

4. Each player to play one qualifying squad per day.

5. Top 8 after the 24 qualifying games will play the Single Elimination starting from scratch.

6. A player, who withdraws for any reason after the championships have begun, shall be replaced immediately by a pacer.

iv. Event – Single Elimination

1. Each match in the Single Elimination will consist of 2 or 3 games. If the same player is the winner of the first two games no 3rd game will be played.

2. 1st round consisting of 4 played by the players with positions 1-8 after the 24 qualifying games. The matches to be combined as follows:

5.2.2 Match A: Position 1 vs. Position 8.

5.2.3 Match B: Position 2 vs. Position 7.

5.2.4 Match C: Position 3 vs. Position 6.

5.2.5 Match D: Position 4 vs. Position 5

1. 2nd round consisting of 2 matches including the winning players from the 1st round. The matches to be combined as follows:

5.2.6 Match E: Winner match A vs. Winner match C

5.2.7 Match F: Winner match B vs. Winner match D

1. 3rd round consisting of 1 match including the winning players from the 2nd round. The match to be combined as follows:

5.2.8 Match G: Winner match E vs. Winner match F

1. In case of withdrawals from any match in the Single Elimination the player without opponent will be declared the winner of the match.

ii. Tie breaking

1. When a tie occurs for position 8 after the qualification rounds a one game roll off will be played among all participants playing for position 8. In case a tie still exists a 9th and 10th frame roll off will be played starting from scratch and repeated until the tie is broken.

2. When a tie occurs for position 1-8 after the qualification round, the tie will be broken using the following priority

5.2.9 Highest total score in the first qualifying squad

5.2.10 Highest total score in the second qualifying squad

5.2.11 Highest total score in the third qualifying squad

5.2.12 Highest game in all qualifying games, then the second highest game etc.

1. When a tie occurs in a game in the Single Elimination a 9th and 10th frame roll off will be played starting from scratch and repeated until the tie is broken.

ii. Entry fee

1. A fee per participant, as agreed upon between the host and the ETBF Presidium, has to be paid to the host federation.

2. In case a delegation consists of more than the eligible players, coaches and official, the host federation is allowed to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons.

iii. Medals

1. The gold medal will be presented to the winner of the 3rd round (match G) in the Single Elimination. The silver medal will be presented to the loser of the 3rd round in the Single elimination (match G). Two bronze medals will be presented to the losers of the 2nd round (matches E and F) in the Single elimination. All medals to be presented respectively in both the women and the men division.

2. In addition to the medals for the individual players and the coach, a medal shall be presented to the national federation they represent.

a. European Youth Cup Teams (EYCT)

i. Time

5.51 Every second (2) year in the period 1 January to 31 August (2005, 2007, 2009…).

5.52 The ETBF Presidium will decide on the exact dates from time to time in co-operation with the host federation.

i. Participants

5.53 Boys and girls team from affiliated ETBF federations.

5.54 Teams consist of maximum 6 boys and 6 girls respectively, 2 coaches and 2 officials/delegates.

i. Age limit

5.55 Players must not reach the age of 19 years in the season in which the event takes place. With season is meant 1 September until 31 August the following year.

i. Event

5.56 Round robin 5-team event Baker format. Each match over two games on one pair of lanes.

5.57 All teams will play at least two matches against each other (a double round robin). Depending on the number of participating teams there might be more round robins added. The number of round robins will be decided in co-operation between the host and the ETBF Presidium.

5.58 Teams shall alternate lanes within the pair after ten frames.

5.59 Teams may change their line-up (members and positions) before each game.

5.60 Substitutions during a game are not permitted, except in cases of illness or injury.

5.61 Points will be awarded on the basis of two points per game won and in case of a tie one point. Two points will be awarded to the team with the highest total pin fall in the match and in case of a tie one point to each team.

5.62 In case there are an odd number of teams and there is no pacer team available, the «odd» team will be scheduled on one pair of lanes to bowl at the same pace as the other teams and will be given 6 points for these two games.

5.63 A team, who withdraws for any reason after the championships have begun, shall be replaced immediately by a pacer team. All teams, who have played against the team withdrawn, shall be given 6 points.

5.64 A stepladder final will be played between the top three girls and the top three boys teams respectively after the round robin, using the same format as during the round robin (two games matches).

i. Tie breaking

5.65 A tie for the first or third positions after round robin will be broken by a single game roll-off on a pair of lanes designated by the Tournament Technical Committee.

5.66 If the tie is between more than two teams, each team will bowl on a separate pair of lanes designated by the Tournament Technical Committee.

5.67 In either case, the teams will draw for their starting lane.

5.68 Further ties will be broken by using the 9th and 10th frame procedure described in e.

5.69 If there is a tie after any stepladder match, it will be broken by bowling an additional 9th and 10th frame starting from scratch on the alternating lane. The team members bowling those frames may be designated from among any of the six team members. If the match is still tie, there will be further 9th and 10th frame tie breakers, however, the same team members must bowl.

i. Entry fee

5.70 A fee per participant, as agreed upon between the host and the ETBF Presidium, has to be paid to the host federation.

5.71 In case a delegation consists of more than 16 persons, the host federation is allowed to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons.

i. Medals

5.72 Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented to the first, second and third place respectively in both boys and girls division.

5.73 In addition to the medals for the individual players and the coach, a medal shall be presented to the national federation they represent.

5.2.1 European Gold Cup (EGC)

5.3.1 Time

1. Every year in May.

5.3.2 Participants

1. Male and female winners of the National Gold Cup Final of affiliated ETBF federations.

2. Players must be minimum 16 years in the season the event takes place. With season is meant 1 September until 31 August the following year.

3. Players who have participated in a national team in other ETBF or WTBA championships than the EGC will not be eligible to participate unless their average is still below 180.

4. In addition to the two players the delegation consists of maximum one coach per player and one official/delegate.

5.3.3 Entry average

1. The players average in the current season and in the past season must not exceed 180.

2. Together with the entry form for each player their national federation has to provide a specified report with the player’s results of all the sanctioned games (tournaments, leagues and championships) played during the current season. The national federation also has to provide the player’s average of the past season, if available.

5.3.4 Handicap

1. The handicap used during the EGC will be based on 80% of the difference between the reported average and 180. It will be limited to 10 pins maximum.

2. If the average of the past season is higher than the average of the current season, the average of the past season will be used for calculation of the EGC handicap.

3. The handicap will be re-rated after the first 12 games of competition (6 games mixed doubles and the first block of singles). It will be based on 80% of the difference between the average of the 12 games and 180. It will be limited to 10 pins maximum. The re-rated handicap cannot be higher than the original one.

5.3.5 Mix doubles

1. Six games across 12 lanes. Each game shall be played on a different pair of lanes. One team per federation to be scheduled per lane.

2. When equal scores (ties) are registered for any of the first three positions in the mix doubles event, there shall be no play of the tie.

a. The team with the least handicap will be given the higher position.

b. If the teams have the same handicap, co-champions shall be declared. Teams with equal scores will get the same medals. In case of a tie for the first position, the next position will get the bronze medal. In case of a triple tie for the first position, all will get gold medals, and there will be no other medals. In case of a tie for the second position, there will be no medals for the third position.

3. The pin fall from the mix doubles event will not be carried forward to the singles event.

5.3.6 Singles qualification

1. All competitors will bowl 18 games in three blocks of 6 games. In each block each game shall be played on a different pair of lanes.

2. If the total number of women respectively men participants is less than or equal to the number of lanes available, one player will be scheduled per lane.

3. If the total number of women respectively men participants is higher than the number of lanes available, two players will be scheduled per lane.

4. In case of a tie for the 8th place the player with the least handicap will be given the higher position. If the players have the same handicap, a one game roll off shall be held and in case a tie still exists 9th and 10th frame, starting from scratch, shall be bowled until the tie is broken.

5. The pin fall from the qualification games will not be carried forward to the round robin.

5.3.7 Singles round robin

1. The Top 8 players (women and men division) after the foregoing 18 games will play a round robin of 7 one game matches (starting from scratch).

2. Standings shall be based on total pin fall from each of the matches together with a bonus of 30 points for each match won and 15 points for a tie.

3. In case of a tie for the first three places the player with the least handicap will be given the higher position. If the players have the same handicap, a 9th and 10th frame, starting from scratch, shall be bowled until the tie is broken

4. The pin fall from the round robin will not be carried forward to the stepladder final.

5.3.8 Singles stepladder final

1. The stepladder final is played by the top 3 men and the top 3 women respectively after the round robin. Number 3 versus number 2 over one game. The winner versus number 1 over two games.

2. In case of a tie in one of the stepladder matches the player with the least handicap will be given the higher position. If the players have the same handicap, a 9th and 10th frame, starting from scratch, shall be bowled until the tie is broken.

5.3.9 Entry fee

1. A fee per participant, as agreed upon between the host and the ETBF Presidium, has to be paid to the host federation.

2. In case a delegation consists of more than the eligible players and coaches/officials, the host federation is allowed to ask for a separate fee for the extra persons.

5.3.10 Medals

1. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented to the first, second and third place respectively of each of the singles events and in the mix doubles.

2. In addition to the medals for the individual players and the coach, a medal shall be presented to the national federation they represent.

5.2 Amendments

This Chapter was amended during the Congress in Aalborg, Denmark on 10 June 2001 and further amended during the Congress in Poznan, Poland on 9 May 2003.